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What a Sunday Service Looks Like...


... at least when things get back to normal... In the meantime join us on zoom every Sunday from 11.00am. Email for the zoom link, or check back here after the weekend, and watch the service. 


It might be your first time in a church or your first time to Westbourne Park Baptist Church but as churches vary a lot, what might you expect to see or to happen at our worship service?


The service starts at 11.00am on Sundays. We usually start with a time of worship. The words to the songs are projected onto a screen. We usually sing, pray and have readings from the bible. On zoom we put everyone on mute, so you can happily sing away in your own home!  We do this due to time delays on zoom. 


We are currently not able to take up an offering which is a way that regular members of the congregation give their tithes and offerings to God.  It is a real privilege to be able to give and so if you wish to, please feel free to do so. If you want to know more about giving or the church finances please see here, or you can give via the donate buttons on the Sunday Worship tab on this website. 


We may make some announcements, birthdays  are recognised and then we  We might well then may focus on praying for the church, community, national or international issues. 


We always look at a passage in the bible together and either someone from the church, or a visiting preacher will explain and apply the passage to our everyday lives.


After the service, we break into small groups in the zoom breakout rooms, to give opportunity for conversation, support and the opportunity to pray together or share needs for prayer. 

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